Influencer Program

If you have a good following on social media, you may be perfect for our influencer program!

Promote our stunning jewellery online and you will receive 20% of the total order of all orders you bring in to our site.

See something on our site you like? You may request it for free and someone will review your proposal, and if accepted you will receive the item and a referral link to use on your social media. Anyone follows though and orders from our site, you get 20% of the order!

Essentially what we are looking for are brand ambassadors, people we can build a relationship with, to promote our jewellery online and in return we offer a sizeable commission and of course exclusive access to our items!

Please keep in mind however, until the trust is built, higher priced items on our site may not be available until a track record of promoting our items has been established first.

Ready to get started?

Follow the link below and get started! Be sure to look for the little Carro dots on the right hand side of your screen and follow the intructions to request the item you would like to promote!

Be sure to include all of your social media you intend to promote on and someone will review your proposal and get back to you!

Anything more you would like to know or encounter an issue, contact us and we will get back to you and help.